Issues of trust friends

on Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Issues of trust

Never doubt your friends' decisions without confirming the facts first. Trust them, as there may be times when you think your friend has let you down and you react without giving them the benefit of the doubt. It may be that, they actually protecting you by not giving you all the details.

 Remember that "trust" is very important within any friendship.

Make sure that you listen to everything your friend has to say or may not have said, then offer your help or advice where you can. 

Be there and support your friend if they need a sounding board to share their grievances or their ideas with you, then listen to them and help if you can.

Trust your instincts because in most cases, instincts are not wrong. It is far better to trust your friend, in most circumstances, than deny yourself true friendship by mistrusting that person.

 Once you have made an accusation, there will always be that little niggling doubt in your friends mind, that you did not care enough to trust your friend.

Without this kind of trust, there is no "true friendship".


Privacy between friends...

Privacy or own space between fri!

For a variety of reasons, everyone needs their own personal space and privacy, in which to think and sort out of our problems.

There may be times when your friend needs this privacy under certain circumstances and you, as a true friend should respect their wishes in this regard.

Understand their needs and do not push for more information if your friend is unwilling or unable to give it freely. It is their choice, so be patient.
They may have a valid reason to keep this information private. It could affect the welfare of their children, their works, or it may involve other innocent parties. Never turn against your friend because they have not confided all the details to you. Be considerate and understanding.


Be understand on friends!

No one really knows how another person feels about someone. Therefore we have to learn to accept a person as they are until you find out different. Never judge a person on first sight. It takes time to really know someone.
Although a true friend will trust you no matter what.

I believe that trust and friendship go hand in hand. Although In saying that, there are exceptions to the rule, nothing is ever quite black and white. Therefore, to be a true friend there are times when friends should respect
their friend's need for privacy.

What should you do if you know, that your friend's partner is cheating on her? This is a very difficult decision to make. You may not want to hurt either of them, but if you don't tell her then you are hiding the truth from this friend. 
She may not believe you and hate or accuse you of trying to come between them. Therefore, you will be left in the middle, doomed if you do, and dammed if you do.

Would you want to know the truth? I think the only way around this is to let her see the situation for herself,  with a little help from you. Then be there to support her through the difficulties of this trying time. That is true friendship. 

True friendship

Everyone needs a friend to share their doubts and fears with, at some stage in our lives.
The ideal friend needs to be patient and listen to their friend's problems. Offer support, understanding, and camaraderie when needed. Do not expect to hear all the gory details of everything that your friend is going through.


Be kind to everyone !

on Wednesday, January 12, 2011

No matter who you are nor where you are from,
we all struggle in some shape or form.

This is a journey we are all taking together.
Our life lessons may be different, yet the lessons are always relentlessly ongoing and often emotionally and physically exhausting – for both you and me that is.

“Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle,”
and just because their battles are not the same
as yours does not mean that they struggle less.

So be gentle with one another. Understand that everyone holds deep inhibitions they are afraid to reveal; for they too are embarrassed by their own suffering… 

I think "there is no wrong way to perform an act of kindness."


Homeless people

on Wednesday, January 5, 2011

we see them in every town and every city too.

Why are they out there?
Why do they call the streets their home?

For many different reasons Some We will never know.

Maybe they are out there
Because they had a notice on their door

Saying your behind in rent they can't live here anymore.

Maybe they unable to Pay their rent on time.
Maybe they are a battered wife
So they got the courage to walk out the door With nowhere else to go
They now call the streets their home.

Maybe their spouse got sick and passed away.
They had so many bills, they had to pay.
Places won't wait on them, They want their money now
So they spent everything they had Paying medical bills.
Now they lost everything they owned including their home.

The life they live While living on the streets. It's not an easy life by any means.

The wind the cold the snow and in the summer time they deal with the scorching heat
While we sit inside Our warm homes fed secure and dry.

But Theses people Sleep outside they call the streets their home.
No food no house No place to get warm. Torn and tattered clothes they probably smell too.
Holes in their shoes. Do they disgust you?

we are just a paycheck away
We don't know their story
Why They live on the streets?

Down a dark alley
where you'll find them,Places where you and I are afraid to go. Down these dark alley's
Is where these people call home?

A faceless man died on the streets all alone.Does anybody care?

Why does this go on like that?
Why are so many people Living on the streets?
Why are there starving people Without enough to eat?
The rich keep getting richer.
It's the poor man Some Sleep on the streets Without a damn thing
This is so wrong..............
