Homeless people

on Wednesday, January 5, 2011

we see them in every town and every city too.

Why are they out there?
Why do they call the streets their home?

For many different reasons Some We will never know.

Maybe they are out there
Because they had a notice on their door

Saying your behind in rent they can't live here anymore.

Maybe they unable to Pay their rent on time.
Maybe they are a battered wife
So they got the courage to walk out the door With nowhere else to go
They now call the streets their home.

Maybe their spouse got sick and passed away.
They had so many bills, they had to pay.
Places won't wait on them, They want their money now
So they spent everything they had Paying medical bills.
Now they lost everything they owned including their home.

The life they live While living on the streets. It's not an easy life by any means.

The wind the cold the snow and in the summer time they deal with the scorching heat
While we sit inside Our warm homes fed secure and dry.

But Theses people Sleep outside they call the streets their home.
No food no house No place to get warm. Torn and tattered clothes they probably smell too.
Holes in their shoes. Do they disgust you?

we are just a paycheck away
We don't know their story
Why They live on the streets?

Down a dark alley
where you'll find them,Places where you and I are afraid to go. Down these dark alley's
Is where these people call home?

A faceless man died on the streets all alone.Does anybody care?

Why does this go on like that?
Why are so many people Living on the streets?
Why are there starving people Without enough to eat?
The rich keep getting richer.
It's the poor man Some Sleep on the streets Without a damn thing
This is so wrong..............
